lesson Plan- science education


Date                            : 18 May 2012
Time                           : 8.00 a.m-9.20 a.m
Venue                         : Computer Lab
Class                          : Form 4 Excellent
No. of students           : 30 students
Title                            : Experiment of frog
Subject                       : Science

Learning outcomes :
At the end of this topic, students can
  1. 1.      Know the parts of internal organ that found in a frog
  2. 2.      Identify the position of the internal organs found in frog
  3. 3.      Identify the shape and form of organs of the frog
  4. 4.      Compare the internal organs of human and frog
  5. 5.      Explain the functions of organ found in frog body and human body

Prior Knowledge :
  1. 1.      Students should know the main and important parts in frog
  2. 2.      Students should identify the structure of the internal organs in frog
  3. 3.      Students should identify the similarity and differences of frog’s organ and human’s organ

Moral values : Inquiry, spiritual, helping each other, obey instruction.

Students’ preparation : Notebook, pen or pencil and colour pencil

Teaching skills            : generating ideas and applications

Teaching aids              : LCD, powerpoint, laptop, marker pen, whiteboard.

Teaching and learning process
Teacher’s activity
Student’s Activity

Eliciting Ideas
 (10 minutes)

Introduce frog to the students
1. Teacher start class wth doa
2.  Teacher asks students to gather to observe the experiment on frog
3.  Teachers ask students to list the physical characteristics that are found in the frog

1.      Students observe the frog  by the teacher.
2.      Students list physical characteristics found in frog

Strategy/ Techniques:
Whole class Q&A

Step 1
(20 minutes)

Carrying out experiment using simulation in lecture maker
-characteristic of the frog

1.       The teacher explains the rules to be followed by students when dissecting a frog
2.      The teacher explains how to dissect the word in simulation
3.      Simulation is repeated so that students do not make a mistake when deciding on surgery

1. Students listen to the rules notified by the teacher
2. Students watch the simulation that the teacher
3. Students record the steps that given by the teacher

  1. Whole class Q&A
  2. Mastery
Noble values:
Obey instruction

Step 2
(30 minutes)

Trying out the simulation

1.   Teacher divides the    students into 6 groups. (per group of 5 persons)
2.    Each group is given the opportunity by the teacher to try to simulate
3.   Teachers observe students using simulation.

1.   Students create their own groups.
2. Each member in group try using simulation in carrying out experiment.
3.  Students observe the simulation and record their observations of the internal organs of frogs

  1. Whole class Q&A
  2. Mastery
Noble values:
Obey instruction, spiritual.

Step 3
(20 minutes)


1.       Teacher explains the  functions internal organs of frogs through simulation
2.      Teacher dissect a real frog and observed  by the students
3.       The teacher inform the steps that should be taken by student in dissecting frog.
4.      Teacher generate ideas from students related to the function of internal organs

1. Students listening to teacher explanations
2. Student teachers to record information
4. Students give opinions.

Noble values:
Inquiry, obey instruction
InResource :

Step 4
-activity by student
(30 minutes)


1.      Teacher asks students to sit in their groups
2.      Teacher gives each group a frog to be operated
3.      Teachers observe students doing their experiment

1.      Students sit in their groups
2.      Students dissect a frog as studied through simulation
3.      Students observe and record the internal organs of frogs

Noble values:
Helping each other
Resource :

 (10 minutes)

1.       Teacher provides the questions based on pictures of frogs and internal organs to be completed by student
2.      Teachers tell students the correct answer
3.       Teacher asks students to reflect on
4.       Teachers to reflect on

1.      Students answered questions that the teacher
2.      Students mark their answers partner
3.      Student give reflection
4.      Students listen to teacher reflection

Strategy/ Techniques:
Whole class Q&A


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